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Pay In/Out

We have seen how to open and close a shift. In between the open and close, cash is paid in and paid out of the register. This is commonly referred to as the pay in and the pay out, or sometimes it is referred to as the cash in and cash out.

You can report on all cash activity during a shift using Shift Activity, or after the shift is closed you can report on all activity using Shift Report. As is usually the case when dealing with cash, the cash register's unique identifier is required, so it must be obtained by the Cash Registers.

The User Interface

A typical interface might look like this:


The Android sample code uses an amount of 200 €.

The Sample Code

Pay ins and pay outs are both recorded in an amount field so it is crucial to note that pay ins are entered using a positive number while pay outs are entered using a negative number.

  • BigDecimal is used in the Java code with a sample value of 200 € hard-coded for demonstration purposes, which means the code is handling a pay in of 200 €
  • amount is used in the iOS code with a sample value of 100 € hard-coded for demonstration purposes, which means the code is handling a pay in of 100 €


As the code comments make clear, the cash currency must match the currency of the selected cash register.



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