Multitender Sales
It is possible to settle the Sale by multiple payments. Such Sale is referred to as Multitender Sale.
The Multitender Sale is created when the total sale amount is greater than the amount in the payment. Such Sale would then be in the Unconfirmed state - this would indicate that the Sale will be settled by additional payments at the later stage.
The Sale can be settled by further payments (i.e. Cash, Card, Alipay, Wechat, etc.). The subsequent payments refer to such Sale as the Original Sale.
There is no limit on combination or quantity of payments as long as the Original Sale is still in unconfirmed state, meaning that the sale total amount was not settled yet by the summary of amounts of subsequent payments.
Multitender Sale rules:
- The Sale is Multitender if Sale total amount is greater than the summary of payments amount in the initial Sale Request
- The Multitender Sale can have one or many payments processed by Reference Sale Request
- The Sale is Completed if Sale total amount equals the summary of completed payments amount
Sale Return: The Sale can be Returned only if it's status is Completed or Partially Returned
(to be used in situation where customer Returns goods after some time) -
Sale Cancel: The Sale can be Cancelled after all of the payments were Reversed. The Sale Reversal is used to reverse each payment on the Original Sale.
(to be used in situation when customer wishes to Cancel the Sale or Payment immediately following it's completion) -
Payment Refund: The Sale in Failed Intervene or Unconfirmed status can have it's payments Refunded in order to deal with uncommon payment issues
(to be used when customer wishes to end the Sale in progress, replace completed payment with alternative or resolve Failed payment) -
Sale Fail: The Unconfirmed Sale can be flagged as Failed if none of it's payment is Completed and merchant wishes to end the Sale
(to be used at the time when the Merchant wishes to Close the Sale which cannot be completed in a normal way)