Print Receipt
The previous chapter examined a simple device discovery for a printer that is paired. This chapter builds on that with more sophisticated receipt printing functionality, including:
- reporting on the status of a print job
- reporting on the final status of a print job
Wirecard ePOS Receipt and Image
As the code comments indicate, the Wirecard ePOS Receipt object tends to print quicker than the Image (which is a bitmap) so the sample code shown here prints an WDePosReceipt object. The next chapter demonstrates how to handle printing of a Image.
The input for a receipt can either be:
- a Sale Response object from the payment method of Sales Manager
- a Query object from the Sales Manager
The sample code uses a Sale Response because this is the usual type of information that you will want to print in a receipt.
A single receipt, or a collection of receipts, can be printed.
The Sample Code
As is the case with much of the sample code in GIST, we start with the first printer object that is found.