Sale Request - SEPA EFT Card
An alternative to regular card payments is using a Girocard/EFT compatible card.
From an integrator's perspective, the user interface, object model and requirements are pretty much the same as those of a regular card payment, as seen in their request page (just the function to add the payment itself is changed from addCardPayment to addEFTCardPayment).
But the nature of the payment itself is different, so it is important to be aware of its behavior from an UI perspective:
An Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is a banking process using debit/credit cards for electronic deposits and bill payments from two different bank accounts. Only the card's magnetic stripe is used for reading the IBAN, and for this reason, an EFT Card payment will always start requesting "please, swipe the card", with no fallback to chip or contacless payment allowed.
Fortunately for you as an integrator, the flow of an EFT Card won't have any special steps, and you can reuse the confirmation, completion and all other callbacks of a regular card payment.
The Sample Code